Monday, June 06, 2005

Shopping encore

My tooth is hurting. I don't feel like shooting anything, so here's even more shopping photos.

I've got more of these than I could ever use.


DaveG said...

Rick -

Are those macro shots handheld, using natural light, or do you carry a tripod and lights?

Rick Lee said...

Handheld... just using the existing light in the store. These aren't "pro" shots. Just stuff that I shot to amuse myself while my wife shopped. If the lighting is dim enough that it's hard to hold the camera still, I just shoot until I get one right. Maybe there will be 10 blurry ones that I delete.

kenju said...

Hope your tooth is better now.

DaveG said...

Well, I ought to have you take some pix of the plane I'm trying to sell - if you can make a notebook look like that, no telling what you could do with my plane!

Melissa said...

The notebook is awesome. I've been practicing with my macro shots, but I don't have anything to shout about yet. But, pictures of my little man are cuter than ever.