I spent the day at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Roller Coaster Mecca of the world.
Below is the King Of All Thrill Rides... Top Thrill Dragster... Zero to 120MPH in 3 seconds. Tall as a 40 story building.

Standing in line is a social event.

The Mellennium Force

Great weather... park not crowded.
WELCOME Althouse readers... go to my main page to see more photography.
Welcome Club for Growth readers.
The answer is no. The scariest rides always have the longest lines.
Sweet pictures! Your awesome!!!
If you ride coasters often enough, you get desensititized... just like eating Mexican hot sauce. You need a bigger jolt each time just to keep the thrill going. On most coasters, I could read a magazine. The new ones are really awe-inspiring. The Top Thrill Dragster uses the same type of launch system as is used to throw aircraft off a carrier. Each time I experience that acceleration from zero to 120mph, I think "this can't be happening". The train then goes up a 90 degree tower and over at 420 feet with no lift other than sheer inertia. I swear that going over the hill is a relief after that acceleration phase.
The Millennium Force, which is about 5 years old, is a conventional 300 foot steel coaster that goes about 90mph at the bottom of the first drop.
The Magnum XL200 is a few years older still... and still one of the greatest coasters in the world. But at Cedar Point, there are so many coasters, you can ride the Magnum with hardly any wait at all.
Rick, can you believe no person would ride the Top Thrill Dragster with me? Tell Sharon it is a perfectly sweet ride.
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