Julian hails from the midlands of Great Britain. Many sources on the Internet say that he lives in Belgium, but Julian informs me that he is now residing in the UK.

When he was finally finished and the light was waning, I was the only professional photographer still hanging around so I was privileged to push the button on his camera (on tripod) to take photos of him in the raft. The public was allowed to jump in the raft and take photos. What a great day at FestivALL! See Julian's web site here. Tom Hindman has more photos.
p.s. No produce blogging tonight... maybe tomorrow.
UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! You can click the photos for larger versions. You can go here to view my main page.
UPDATE2: More Charleston FestivALL photos here.
UPDATE3: CORRECTION... I wrote that Julian resides in Belgium, but he emailed to say that he is now residing in the UK.
My homemade spaghetti & meatballs were worth it. Good seeing ya & I hope you are over me dropping your camera. hehe
Look, I don't want to be a buzzkill or anything, but those two adults are setting a terrible example for the children.
Where are their helmets? Where are their flotation jackets?
I mean, . . ., after all!
Fun's fun, but SAFETY FIRST!
Ha! That's good. He had oars available to use for your photos... which most people did... but if he had flotation jackets and helmets that would really have been a gas. I'll post the picture of me in the raft later.
Flotation jackets?? Fer cryin' out loud, there's a gator down there that's gonna get 'em before they could drown!
That guy is amazing!!
Wow. I'm speechless.
I really wish I was going to be in WV this weekend so I could see this in person. Thanks for the great shots!
"Fun's fun, but SAFETY FIRST!"
Not to mention the fact that they've gotta be overloading that raft.
Just sayin'.
Congratulations on the Instalanche! You really deserved it.
Awesome shots! Thanks for getting one from the "wrong" side! I hope you don't mind if I share this with my students. This guy's understanding of perspective is amazing!!!
How fun for everyone - spoofs like this give art such good exposure. I teach and own my own studio and I love it when this sort of thing hits the news!
This is amazing...
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