Monday, March 27, 2006

Western Exposure

Holy Crap. I was just reading an article about how exposure to our western culture doesn't seem to soften the beliefs of hard-core Islamists when I noticed that this guy...

(you remember him don't you, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) attended my alma mater, Chowan College... a small Baptist college in North Carolina. Geez. He was a few years after me. When I was there, there was a large contingent of Iranian students, but it was before the fall of the Shah and they were mostly pro-West. Read more about this guy here.


Scott Mitchell said...

I love how they give terrorists cute nicknames now.

"Forrest Gump of terrorism"

Anonymous said...

If he ever gets out of jail, you both could meet up at some college homecoming event.

kenju said...

There were 5-6 Iranian students at Morris Harvey (UC) when I was a student there. I got to know 2 or 3 of them well, and they were very nice. If I ever heard one of them had become a terrorist, I would faint dead away!