Below... extras in 70's garb on their way to the set.

Matthew McConaughey looks positively weird in the hair and wardrobe. He's playing Coach Jack Lengyl who rebuilt the MU football team after the plane crash of 1970.

Anytime that Matthew is supposed to be on set, the girls show up in force.

Below is Oscar nominated actor David Strathairn. Strathairn appeared in "Matewan" which was also filmed in West Virginia. Here he is playing college president Donald Dedmon.

Director McG and screenwriter Jamie Linden. In the foreground are a couple of extras in their 1970 wardrobe.

Below is Anthony Mackie who is portraying defensive back Nate Ruffin.

These guys brought the 35 year old cars.

I'm going to post more photos from the set tomorrow.
UPDATE: More photos are up now in the next post.
See my main page here.
I'm really disappointed I missed out on the fashion of the 70's. Really cool pics, thanks for sharing them. Film crews always amaze me with their efficiency on such large scale projects. So did you get to spend much time at Craft Services? That's my favorite spot.
Ditto Philip's comment re cool pictures. Thanks for sharing.
I was a guest that day rather than working for the production, so I tried to keep a low profile and not wear out my welcome. I stayed away from craft services, even though an aquaintance of mine was in charge of "snacks". I think that's hilarious. That's how specialized the movie business is. One person is in charge of snacks. Somebody else is in charge of "food".
Wow, it's so weird seeing the campus of Marshall with all the '70s cars and fashion -- and it's not in an old, faded Polaroid!
That tie and that jacket together, though... *wince!* MM is really rocking the 70's look.
Thanks Thomas.
Rebecca... Yeah... you'd almost think that the production design people would pull a few punches on the 70's fashions but they actually went straight for the super-realism which to our eyes looks pretty bizarre.
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