Friday, May 09, 2008

The Young One


Anna said...

She's got her eye on you! Hope you are well Rick! Have a great weekend! Love the produce shots from yesterday!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rick: Really nicely done, these are always amazing.

Pete said...

Do you take these photographs with the sole intent of capturing only the subject's eye or are these happy discoveries found after the photograph has been taken? Not that the answer matters that much, I suppose, but they are quite lovely as I imagine the rest of the subject's face must be. Tantalizing, and amazing.

Rick Lee said...

Most of the time they are taken with the sole intent of getting the eye. Most of the time they are taken with the little pocket camera and I have my little finger resting against the subject's forehead to steady the camera. I had done that type of shot with this person before, but the lighting was not good on those shots. This one is cropped out of a close-up of her face that was taken for a different purpose.