Wednesday, May 07, 2008

There's something you don't see every day...

... a Delorean. When I commented on it to the owner she said "Oh that? We've got two".


Carletta said...

Shades of Marty McFly! ...did you look for a time machine? :)

Rick Lee said...

Oh yeah, there was a working flux capacitor in there. BTW... whether you say "Back to the Future!" or "John Delorean!" is an age thing.

Anonymous said...

Why is it sitting outside collecting leafy stuff on the hood?! Fixed up, it would fetch over $30k, $45k if low mileage. My dentist back in the 80s had one. Now he drives an SUV full of kids.

Jason Means said...

I'm not for sure what bothers me most about this pic... is it the fact that something as unique as a Delorean is being consumed by time, left to rust in peace, or is it because it's setting next to an even rustier wood panel station wagon?

Rick Lee said...

Yeah, I thought it was weird that it was just out in the weather like that. At least it should have a tarp over it. I don't know if the stainless steel body is in danger, but the other parts were showing a lot of weathering.