Yes, that's the latin name. Seriously, I have no idea, but I'm freaked out.
UPDATE: I just heard back from my friend Dr. Peggy Powell, the bug expert for the State of West Virginia... she said this: "It's a jumping spider in the Family Salticidae. I'm not sure of the genus or species. It actually has EIGHT eyes!! (betcha didn't know that most spiders have either 6 or 8 eyes and are often identified by the pattern in which the eyes are arranged) The two large eyes in front are among the most acute in the invertebrate world, allowing it to see its prey from a distance of up to 8 inches. Jumping spiders don't build webs but hunt their prey and pounce on it."
UPDATE2: Welcome Althouse readers! You can see more bugs by clicking on the "bugs" tag below. Go to my main page for other photos.
That thing is horrifying, weird, and kinda cute.
Unlike this beastie, the spider this time is kind of cute. Insofar as a spider can be cute, anyhow.
I thought my HS algebra teacher has passed.
Do you suppose that's actually 4 eyes?
In the insect world, those have to be the most terrifying! Always scared me...mostly because they can jump wildly!
Poor lil thang looks more scared than I do!
OK. I am a serious arachnaaphobe. But that thing is CUTE!
Wow. That is all: wow.
Cutest little spider ever! Get that downy little mouth.
Rick you've been bugging me tonight. Love the Friday the 13th photo.
jumping spider. operative word being, jumping.
and no, it's not cute.
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