Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Avian Thugs

Are these the notorious brown-headed cowbirds?... known for laying their eggs in other nests and taking off to let the poor schmuck birds raise the young cowbirds. I saw this group near the 7-11 on my way to work. Thugs always hang out at the 7-11, don't they? If you're a bird expert (I'm not), let me know if I'm right or wrong. (BTW, this is more bird-blogging for my Aunt Carol. Are you happy now?)

1 comment:

TeamDandy said...

Yes, those are Brown-headed Cowbirds and, yes, they parasitize other birds' nests and don't raise their own young.

Even more deviant is that the babies, before they can even fly, will push the other eggs or nestlings out of the nest so that they can be spoiled for sure by their unwitting parents as only children.

Hanging out at 7-Eleven seems to be the natural next step in their lives, doesn't it?