Somehow it was decided that we should have a little get-together of Charleston-area bloggers at Taylor Books at 8am on Wednesday, January 4th. If you've got a blog, be there or be square. Lots of coffee and scones will be consumed. Bring your laptop... free wi-fi is available. I plan on posting photos directly from the event. Should be fun if we don't get into a big fight over politics or religion or whatever. I will try to be early and snag a couple of tables at 7:30.

I'll trying to be there sometime between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
I should be there between 8 and 8:30... Gotta drop of the young'n at school. :-)
I might have to leave at 8:30. I'll do my best to stick around as long as I can. Oh the exciting life of a network engineer.
I'm looking forward to it. Like Stacey I'll be there after dropping kids off. Have a great new year!
Darn it-- I won't be in Charleston again until the 9th...
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