Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Watch your head

My front porch always has a big-ole spider on it in the autumn. Always. I have to watch where I walk when I come out in the morning.


Kim said...

We have few of these around yard. The first one we named "Niblet". Then we found "Baby Niblet", "Mega Niblet", "Big Daddy Niblet" and "iNiblet". How they make these webs so fast is beyond me. We have a Niblet that will make an entire web across the back door overnight. If you don't look, you will walk right into the spider in the center.

Rick Lee said...

I do a lot of mountain biking and I'm always riding right through these webs and of course getting a mad spider right on my person. It grosses me out.

kenju said...

Is there a worse feeling than getting tangled in a spider web? I read a post on a blog recently which talked about "doing the spider dance" when you get caught in a web. ICK!

Raymond said...

We have a large hedge around our yard and these guys all over them, because of the plentiful leaf-hopper population. My daughters (I have four) and I love to go catch bugs and throw them in spiderwebs and watch the results (It's easier than sitting around waiting for something to fly into the web naturally). Craneflies are great, cuz they'll often break through the web. It's fun to watch the spider inject venom, then wait and then come back to wrap the guy up, so they can suck out the juicy insides...

It really grosses out my little girls, but at the same time they're absolutely fascinated by it, and tend to catch plenty of leaf-hoppers.


Rick Lee said...

There's a phrase I'll remember... "doing the spider dance".