I was driving through Roane County, West Virginia today and I saw these cows with halos sitting on the hillside. I just had to get a shot but I had a truck on my tail and it took forever to find a good spot to turn around. I'm glad I took the time though.
...although for having halos, they seem somewhat angry! Still, it's a great shot-- it's always nice to see green grass and sunlight. And yea, cows too.
Heh... cows always look like that. That look is cow for "I'm bored.. I think in a minute I'll eat some more grass".
haha!! thanks for the translation!
I don't think it's possible for a cow to actually be entertained. They look bored even when somebody is pulling the milk out of their teats.
The title of that photo is
They were happing playing poker. Then they heard your car.
The chips and cards are behind them, along with the beer.
They'll deal again when you're gone.
Thanks Jonathan... some of the photos on this site are literally one-shot deals where I just slow the car down and push the button... but in this case I did park the car and get out and walk toward the cows shooting as I went. I was trying to get the cows to all look at me for one thing. I also needed to get closer. I did shoot quite a few shots. When I got real close the cows got a little edgy and they started to get up and walk away.
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