There's a somber mood in Charleston this morning as we woke to find out that only one of the trapped miners survived. We went to bed last night believing that only one had died. The photo shows an earlier and a later edition of the Charleston Gazette. I still haven't heard exactly where the miscommunication occurred... but of course it only made the bad news that much worse to take.
I'm waiting for the other guys to show up. Here comes Stacey Abshire now.
UPDATE: Here's the turnout...

... from left to right... Will Stewart... Bill "Oncee" Gardner... Bob Coffield... Rick Lee... Stacey Abshire.
I have to say that I had a great time this morning! I think we should try and do this more often. It was great to put some faces to all the posts I have been reading and commenting on.
How fun! What a bunch of fancy schmancies though! Where's the worn jeans and casual shirts? :) You all were so dressed up - for a coffee house no less! :) Uptown bloggers for sure...
Looks like you all had fun and Mmm coffee!
Insanity Infusion
Where are the women? I know there are women bloggers in Chas., do you mean to tell me they snubbed your invitation?
I think the reporter who flubbed up should be run out of town on a flat car.
Insanity... people are on their way to work. That's how we dress for work. I have on black jeans and a leather jacket (my uniform) so I'm pretty casual. Not a tie in the bunch though. It was noted that the women who said they might come didn't show. I don't know why. We also expected Don Surber but he normally is at work at the newspaper at that hour and would have had to get away for a bit to make it. It's a big news day and not a good time for him to be leaving the office I'm sure.
Had it been friday, there would've been jeans on me for sure. We dress business casual M-Th.. Friday is casual day, at least at our office.
Sorry I missed the meeting Jim. As you can tell, things were a little hectic at work.
Tell us more! Divulge, divulge!
~smirk~ Truly I was just giving you all a rough go :) You look dashing - the lot of you!
I've never heard the term Pajama Media :) but it's cute...
Nothing wrong with looking fancy schmancy :) It was actually a nice sight!
Insanity Infusion
I also had a great time! I'm looking forward to CAB2. I suggest that we go ahead and mark a future date on the calendar. Maybe we can get a couple of local women bloggers to attend the next get together.
I'm sorry that Don missed the event but understand due to the big news day. I think Rick's photo of the Charleston Gazette says it all -- from triump to tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families and communities in Upshur County.
Rick -- your face looks much more "slim and trim" in the photo than in person. Hmmmm. . .
BTW, obviously I didn't take the group photo... thanks to my friend Dyann Simile.
Yep, both the Gazette
Robin... the earlier edition was delivered to some homes in the Charleston area. The later (more accurate) one was delivered to some homes and available on newstands and in machines.
I'm just getting around to posting about today's event. Here is my followup post.
Also, I thought you all might be interested in the answer to the Google braille logo that we noticed this morning.
I had a good time yesterday. We should do it again soon.
Rick, I'd love to join you guys next time!
You guys look like such a sedate bunch. Not at all the homicidal miscreants I was expecting. (Just kidding.)
I must have misplaced my invitation ...but probably not my kind of party anyway.
Love all the snarky comments, but seriously folks, please come next time. We set the next event for Feb. 1 at 8:00 a.m. at Taylor Books. I hope we do a better job at getting the word out this time.
Raging Red has labeled us the He-Man Woman Haters Club. While I know she has done it in good fun, it was never our intent to make this a meeting Chinos Club or the Charleston Area Bloggers county club.
The blogosphere is a very diverse place and we really would be interested in meeting women bloggers and people who don’t dress like us.
So consider this a person invitation, ,
http://onestackmind.com>Robin S., , , , , big stomp, and . Tell all your friends and bring them too.
sounds progressive for Charleston...would love to know when the next one is..thanks..
great thing you have going here
Palmetto Equipment
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