There's so much to like about this photograph: the snow-capped fenceposts and rails drawing your eye up into the corner, the bumpy texture of snow on the hillside, the subtle touches of color here and there. That tree looks electrified, with its marvelously illuminated branches. All terrific.
--Sandra from Texas
There's so much to like about this photograph: the snow-capped fenceposts and rails drawing your eye up into the corner, the bumpy texture of snow on the hillside, the subtle touches of color here and there. That tree looks electrified, with its marvelously illuminated branches. All terrific.
Rick, on a purely practical note, is this horse country? They do look like paddocks.
(And yes, really nice pictures!)
At one time, somebody who lived there had horses but not now. It's really not enough property for that.
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