Thursday, November 06, 2008

From the hills of the east, to the mountains of the west...

...goodbye Charleston

... hello Helena


jkirlin said...

How did you get that great color of Helena? Did you open the window??

Eric said...

Whenever I look at the comments on your pics I like to try and guess how many times the word "wow" is used. All I can say about the "...goodbye Charleston" photo is, wow!

Mandy said...

I'm so jealous you are in Montana right now! I never made it the capital, but I lived in Missoula for six months for photography school. You have to go check out Butte if you get a chance!

Rick Lee said...

Uh... no, I didn't open the window of the jet. I just increased the constrast a little in Photoshop to counteract the effect of the plexiglas.

I almost missed that shot of WV. I had closed the blind on my window because I was sleepy and I just happened to catch a glimpse out of the window in front of me... of the incredible sunrise and the fog hanging down the valleys. It was quite a scene.

I won't be able to get to Butte, this trip. I'm working on a job here and it's all just in the Helena area. Unfortunately, the weather is not supposed to be great for the next few days so I don't know what sort of shots I'll be able to show you all. We'll see.

Maisyday said...

What, no produce? How will I ever make it through my day!?!??! :)

Seriously though, I love that picture of Charleston! Makes me a little homesick. :)

D. B. Light said...

Regarding hills and mountains. One day up on Hawk Mountain in east-central Pennsylvania I ran into a woman from Colorado. I asked her what she thought of our eastern mountains. Her reply, a bit of hesitation and then..., "they're cute".