Monday, February 04, 2008

One hundred year old building...

... is coming back to life after sitting derelict for years. Today I was taking "before" photos. The "after" shots should be interesting. That'll be a lot later. Tony Lewis wrote this graffit waaay upstairs in the stockrooms of the old Kresge store in 1967. I suppose he fantasized that perhaps in 40 years someone would come along and take a picture of the graffiti and put it on some newfangled sci-fi communications medium so that people from all over the world would see his name. Hi Tony!


Anna said...

Cool. I bet there were a lot of neat things to shoot there! I love when old buildings are brought back to life!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rick: Isn't it amazing that that tag lasted all these years. Wouldn't be great if tony saw the post.

KBax said...

That was a good year! ;)
Never would I have thought that 1967 scrawled on a wall would be considered a long time ago...Oh, the humanity!

stacey abshire said...

or maybe that is his birthday

Christopher Scott Jones said...

As of 2005, a "Class of 76" tag had yet to wear off of a corrugated aluminum building in my hometown. I'll have to check it out the next time that I'm in those parts.

Skip Lineberg said...


Skip Lineberg and Dave Pray here stopping by to check out your excellent photos of 209 Capitol Street. Great work!


Anonymous said...

I am Tony Lewis and what a surprise! My wife ran across this page. I worked at Kresge during the Christmas holidays while still in high school. Don't remember doing this but there it is. Watch what you do watch what you say and watch what you write. My wife said at least there was not a girls name attached to it.

Rick Lee said...

Wow... great to hear from you Tony. I must say I'm surprised!

kenju said...

WOW! Fantastic that you found it - and he (or his wife) found you!