Thursday, March 08, 2007

Produce Blogging #75

Because Thursday night is grocery night.


Pete said...

Rick! How do you manage to keep topping yourself in this series? The green leafy thingie with the red veins? Incredible? And the first picture? Startling. And all of this on the produce aisle!

Once again, thanks for making my day. I can now get the weekend started having had my dose of produce blogging.

Nestor Family said...

I agree that the leafy vegetable shot it wonderful! It looks almost like an aerial landscape shot of a river basin or something.

Awesome produce blog entry, as usual!!!

jan@theviewfromher said...

Not being much of a cook myself, you do make groceries so appealing. :-) But it makes me wonder: do you purchase by eating-intention, then photograph. or purchase by photograph-intention, then eat?