Because Thursday night is grocery night! ONE HUNDRED!
I wish I had come up with something really special for the one-hundredth produce post, but here it is... just an ordinary outing. Thanks for looking everybody! If you're new to this blog, you can see lots more fruits and veggies by clicking on the produce tag below. Blogger will only go back so far with the tag though. If you really want to go back in time, you can click here for a Google listing.
I'd be interested to know which produce photos from the vast archive are your favorites. If you post a note with nominations, I'll pick three people out of a hat and send you some prints free of charge!
It's amazing that you keep finding new patterns in the same old veggies.
Now if I could only learn to cook them in as many interesting ways . . .
I've enjoyed the series. You really are very good. And it's very nice of you to offer a "contest" like this.
Looking back, I noticed that you could pull quite a few out for a Mapplethorpian "naughty veggies" gallery show.
AS far as favorites, I vote for two from #87 (pepper & tomatoes, and wet corn). The "produce tag" only took me back to #83, though. Is there a limit on results returned?
I've noticed that there is a limit, but I don't know what the limit is.
Yay! Produce blogging! (Whoops - Rick - your post title might need some slight editing as of the time of this comment. Unless "Poduct Bogging" was your intent.) Another great installment in a tremendous series. Many thanks, Rick.
Just making it to the 100 mark is occasion enough, isn't it? I mean, they're all special. And, oh boy, a contest! Let me do the tags and do a quick review. . .
Okay, like Pastor Jeff, I only get back to #83. The Google search will probably get me to all of them but it makes for hard viewing. Have you tagged all of the posts? Maybe that's what's limiting the search. Or your settings? Maybe they're set to allow only so many posts on the page.
So I'll limit myself to what comes up on the tags, that is posts 83-100: 86, 86, 89, and 94. Not listed and number not known: The one with the white asparagus. Yep, THAT one. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
I went back and looked at so many of the older produce pictures and it is so difficult to choose a favorite!
First, I'll help Pete out--the white asparagus is in both #78 and #65. I can't help but giggle every time I see those. :)
Then there were a couple of funny things that I noticed. In the beginning, you called produce blogging silly--I think in post #3. And in this post you ask how many pictures of produce do we need! I guess at least 100 posts worth! Too funny!
Anyways, now to list my favorites:
the corn in post #78, the mushroom in post #79, the apples in post #86, the flowers in post #45 and #34, and of course, we can't forget the white asparagus shots!
Love the contest idea! My faves (well, let's just say I picked out 3 I like because it's hard to choose) are #52 from May 25, 2006, #53 from Aug 31, 2006 and #66 from Dec 28, 2006.
I included the dates because the numbering appears to have gotten mixed up in the summer of 2006 - there are multiple #53s (see June 1, 2006 and Aug 31, 2006)
Pete, it's #78!!! I just found it while looking at the google links. You were right, it did make me blush!! Holy crap!
Rick, I know you are doing a sort of contest, but there is no way I could pick a favorite. They are all so interesting.....ok ok, I take that back. I pick the plum!!
I am still going back through some of the produce archives...just from the blogger tag search I picked out
post 85 photo 1 &2
post 90 photo 1
post 95 photo 3
An offer we can't refuse ... so many to pick from!!
I looked, but couldn't find it. Then I thought... I bet Pete lists it and he did... the white asparagus. That photo.... when I see produce blogging.... I always think of that one! Funny! When I saw it, I was speechless. You should post it again, for old times sake.
nicole p. #78 is not it. That was the second one and not as good as the first. Either that or I have imagined it was way more "interesting".
Rick, your offer for prints reminded me that I've been meaning to ask you what is the procedure for buying prints in general.
I love the strawberries in #90, the corn that is bursting with freshness in #81, and I adore the red peppers in #64!
#33, photo labeled "red viens3," because it look almost mammalian, like a surgeon opened up a living chest to exposing a lung.
Searching for some Fall pics in Texas! Share soon!
: - )
I looked back through a large number of your 'Produce Blogs', Rick (using your Google Search link) and am now suffering from 'Produce Fatigue'!
Many great photos, but two that stuck in my mind are the rustic red onion (#99) and the cool bananas with the blue background (#74).
I keep meaning to do it, but when I am next in France I will try some shots from my local supermarket. Their cake and flan displays are superb.
Wow, thanks for all the great comments everybody. Everybody who has commented with "favorites" up until now will receive at least one print... but you'll have to email me a snail-mail address.
Sandra... the leaves are just starting to turn now. We should be getting some good color in the next week or so... stay tuned!
I can't pick a favorite. Love them all. Just wanted to say "Congratulations!" on your sustained creativity and excellence. Your talent is greatly appreciated!
I've only been viewing your postings since summer, so I went back through the tagged photos. My favorites are the perfect strawberry from May, the corn from May and the cauliflower from August, it almost looks like snow!
All your photos are amazing, you have a wonderful eye. Keep up the good work!
By the way, I can't get your email address to work........
I'm late to the party (was sick and am just now catching back up with my blogs) and already have a great Rick Lee print so won't pick a favorite. I will comment, however, that I never cease to be amazed that you can get "studio lighting" effects (ref. first photo above of the lettuce leaf, in particular) while sneaking your photos at the store. Amazing.
Yeah, along the lines of studio light...Do you carry a black card to the store with you? Does anyone ever ask you what you're doing?
(Conversation between produce manager and new employee as you whip out your camera and props)
"Oh that guy? He's harmless. He just likes to take pictures of the produce before he buys it."
(You do buy it, don't you?)
They're beautiful!
Carry a black card? Hehe... no I only carry a tiny little Fuji F30... which I keep hidden in the palm of my hand. Stores have rules against photography. It helps that I shop after 8pm. I do my work surreptitiously. No, I don't buy the produce, I usually just buy some pre-packaged salad and some baking potatoes. All the lighting effects come from finding interesting angles. I often shoot up at the stuff which gives more light modeling because the light is coming straight down. The black background behind the lettuce this week is the bottom of the shelf above. It's black because it's in shadow.
I got mine last week - yay!
Thanks, Rick. You are awesome.
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