Sunday, March 05, 2006

CAB4 When?

After CAB3 we didn't get around to setting a date for CAB4. Since the first Friday of March worked out well, how about April 7th? (between 8 and 9am at Taylor Books) I should have updated this post a long time ago... we are now talking about having a lunch meeting at my studio. See the comments for details.


oncee said...

Works for me.

Rudy Panucci said...

Hey guys, I'd love to be there to represent PopCult from the Gazz, but I can't make it that early. I'm caring for me bedridden mum, and her caregiver doesn't get here until 9 AM. What about a lunch meeting?

stacey abshire said...

That date works fine for me. I'd be open for a lunch meet if everyone else is up for it.

Sharon said...

The date works well for me, though obviously it's easier for me to get there for a lunchtime thing than an 8 am one. But, either way.

Bob Coffield said...

I'm in on that day and can do coffee or lunch. Maybe the Hot Dog Blog can make a lunch recommendation -- Chris'?

If we continue to see the continued growth of CAB - we may have to move to the Civic Center. I'd be happy to host in our conference room on Capitol Street, if it is available, but its not as friendly as Taylor Books. We could get coffee and head down the street to our office.

Stanton said...

Well Bob, Chris' isn't a great place for a meeting of more than four people unless you want to sit in different booths! That's the book on hot dog joints - they are always small and cramped. I can't think of a decent HDJ close to downtown that has enough elbow room for an event of this magnitude. But you could get them to go!

Please don't think me anti-social: First Friday's aren't usually going to work for me because of a regularly scheduled work related meeting. But I do enjoy reading about your gatherings.

Rick Lee said...

OK... lunch is ok with me and I can see that it would be better for a lot of people who haven't been coming, but personally I'm more likely to end up missing it. I'll try to block that off and we'll see what happens.

But, where are we going to go? Chris' is fine, but they don't have a meeting room or anything. We could have a "bring your own" lunch and meet at Bob's conference room perhaps? We could do it at my studio... I have a lot of room.. and that'd be fun, but if a big job comes up I'd have to back out.

stacey abshire said...

I'm open for pretty much anything.

MShane said...

I'm open for about anything as well. I will have control of my time again after the 17th of March and should be able to schedule about anything.

Scott Mitchell said...

I'm open for anything really. Larry's or Grazianos would have plenty of seating, but I'm not sure about wifi. I think a early or late lunch would work best, else we are going to have a hard time finding seating together and hearing everyone. Maybe the studio or conference room would work best, depending on schedules. Just some ideas.

Rick Lee said...

I have Wi-Fi at the studio... it's close to 2 places to get hot-dogs plus Wendys... so let's plan on doing it there and if I have to cancel... well then so be it. We can either change the location or the date.

Directions to the studio are on my web site at

stacey abshire said...

Sounds fine with me. What time?

Rick Lee said...

We'll say between noon and 1pm at my studio on April 7th. My studio is at 311 Washington St.West. There are directions on my professional web site at I'll try to keep that date open but I can't guarantee it. A big job can come along and throw everything off.

stacey abshire said...

I'll try and be there.