UPDATE 3: OK, many people said they liked the bicycle shot because of the cool color-balance. I can understand that, so here's another version of the latest shot with the color-balance shifted.

UPDATE 2: Here's yet another stab at an HDR Capitol Street in the snow. It's snowing like crazy so I'm taking advantage of it. I SHOULD be going home before it gets too bad to drive, but no, I'm at the office doing this. I'm an idiot. BTW, this version is bigger than usual so click on it to see the large size.

Update: I went out tonight to redo this shot with a good DSLR (Nikon D300s) and do an HDR version. Last night's photo was taken with my tiny little pocket camera, the Fuji F100. Well, it's a mixed bag... the photo has more detail and all but the bike wasn't there and the snow had mostly been cleared away. Ehh.