Thursday, January 22, 2009

Produce Blogging #156

Because Thursday night is grocery night!


Rick Lee said...

Gee... my new laptop has color issues. I got some of these shots completely over-saturated when I prepared them at home on the laptop instead of my "good" computer at work. I'll have to do some calibrating.

Dave in Tucson said...

The carrots and apples?

I like the way those kind of pop off the page. But I'm a "don't know art but know what I like" kind of a guy...


PhotoVentura said...

Ah-ha! so you DO do post-production on your images... lol - and we've all been wondering why OUR groceries don't look like yours when we point our little cameras at them... he he... we watch and learn from the Master.

Rick Lee said...

Oh absolutely. I've said that many times here. EVERYTHING goes through Photoshop before publishing. It's amateurish to just take the images out of the camera and use them as they are. Almost always they can benefit from changing contrast, color, cropping, etc.