Thursday, December 06, 2007

Snowy Morning

It snowed yesterday... boy howdy... not that much accumulation, but I drove to Morgantown yesterday and I saw at least 10 accidents. I saw two of them happen. It was quite an adventure. Yesterday morning I thought I might get some good snow pictures, but there was no way I was stopping my car on the Interstate... too dangerous!


Nicole said...

Oh, well no wonder. Morgantown and western MD are like the tundra, pretty much a whole other world from me....and I only live 60-some miles from Morgantown.
It seems to always happen like that though. The first snow is the worst for wrecks. It almost seems like people forget how to drive in the snow over the summer.

Rick Lee said...

It also seems like the DOH forgets that they need to salt.

Nicole said...

Yeah, that too :)

jedijawa said...

I tried that ... you're right ... not a good idea.

Joanna said...

Gorgeous photo, nevertheless!

S.D. Smith said...

Beautiful pictures. I am enjoying the blog.

Rick Lee said...

Thanks Samuel!