Saturday, June 09, 2007

Daisy Leaves

It's a daisy-themed weekend!


horrocks_j said...

Very cool. Whenever there are droplets (or reflections, or shadows) it adds a really cool fourth dimensional quality to your images, because the observer can switch focus from the primary image to the secondary one, back and forth. Multi level communication. You make it look easy.

I also dig the distortion that water droplets give. Reminds me of olden days, a fisheye lens I overused when tri-x was the choice.

Question: Are these outdoor shots?

The background is nicely dark, and you use the light expertly to get the brights. But I still get the impression that these are not done in controlled conditions indoors. It seems doing this in nature would make it more challenging to get the excellent dark darks/ bright brights quality. Also any wind would play heck with your focus at this distance, eh?

Thanks for posting!

Rick Lee said...

Not studio... just out in the yard. These are my neighbor's daisies. The background is just a dark area... helped along by a little burning.