Monday, January 22, 2007

Headlight Overlay

Here's another car show photo. I'm not much into Photoshop "tricks" but I've been experimenting with this "Blur Overlay" effect and it sure is effective at making a dull photo more interesting.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing what you can do with mediocre photos once you start getting into layer styles and opacity and such. There's a company called Flaming Pear that makes some really cool plug-ins for effects, too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful rich color and a tasteful use of the effect, too.

Rick Lee said...

Yeah, it's similar to the Orten Effect but I don't think it's exactly the same thing. With this photo I took it into Photoshop... made a duplicate layer, blurred that layer and then took that blurred layer (that was on top) and changed the blend method from normal to "overlay" and that's about it! It increases contrast but in a very unusual way.