Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I couldn't think of a title for this post that wasn't trite... like "Old and New" or something like that. So let's just say it's remarkable.
Welcome Instapundit readers! See my main page here for more photos.


Don Surber said...

Compatible energy savers :)
Just remember, Rick, that windmill is saving a mountain

Jeff Faria said...

Old and new? That windmill is new - but windmills cretainly aren't. (Relatively speaking, the same could be said for that horse and buggy.)

Steve S said...

I like it a lot, Rick. I would just call it "Indiana: 2006" No tired metaphors. It does communicate a lot of interesting things, though. Remrkable is a good description


Rick Lee said...

I thought it was also interesting that the Amish gentleman seemed to have a big red gas can in the back of the buggy. [scratching head] I expect he must have some gas powered farm machinery of some sort.

Yeah, windmills certainly are not new. Everything old is new again.

Speaking of saving mountains, those windmills (in Meyersdale, PA) are cheeck-by-jowl with a coal surface mine. I wonder how much energy those wind turbines produce? Are they still dependant on government subsidies to exist or have we got beyond that now? Just wondering.

Dale said...

Ye be careful out among de English, Book! If ye support mountaintop removal minin' I will go to de bishop and have ye SHUNNED!!! :-)

cdh said...

Are these the windmills over near Mt. Storm/Canaan Valley?

sobi said...

Rick Lee's images are always remarkable. And that's damned faint praise.

drtaxsacto said...


I continue to be amazed at your ability to capture things like this.

El-Visitador said...

"That "gas can" is for kerosene to keep the home lights burning. No need to propose evil gas guzzling machines on an Amish farm."

Thing is, oil is oil is oil.

Methinks the fact that even a fundamentalist gentleman who otherwise refuses modern tech feels compelled to use a 5-gal plastic jerrycan of petroleum should be quite an eye opener to those who think we can wish away oil.

Great picture, by the way.

Ardsgaine said...

How about Luddites Old and New?

erp said...

Beautiful picture.

The horse must be the most majestic and elegant of all God's creatures strutting along looking every bit the proud champion. The old gent doesn't look so bad himself and a cheap red plastic container can hold any liquid. Water perhaps for the horse?

stacey abshire said...

Re: gas can -- Some Amish use electric, but don't want to be tied to the grid. So they use generators. For some tools and such. There are some that use natural gas power tools, as well.

Rick Lee said...

"I continue to be amazed at your ability to capture things like this."

Well, ya know these things just happen when you spend your professional life standing around with a camera in your hand. I was photographing a truck and using the windmills just as an interesting background... and while I'm waiting for the truck driver to get in position, this Amish fellow just ambles into my scene. I was startled at first but then I just raised my camera and bam... and he was gone. There was another windmill much closer and I could have had a much better shot but the truck was in the way.

kenju said...

Amish country? HOw calm and serene that looks.

Rick Lee said...

"Amish country?" I had never been to Meyersdale, PA before. Apparently it is Amish country. There are guys in buggies all over the place there.

Super Babe said...

That is really cool. I recently got back from Holland and felt the same way! It was really cute to see the pastures, and cows, and sheep... and the big windmills behind them!