When I named this blog, I thought I'd be sharing a lot more photos like this. It turned out that proprietary concerns prevented me from doing much of that. I have permission to share these photos from a very sophisticated film shoot. This is the new RAZE spot which is designed to help prevent teen smoking. Most of the shooting was on the street in Huntington at night.... waaay into the night. The talent are middle-school and high-school kids from around the state. My job is to shoot stills which will be used for print.

These are "green screen" shots where the people will be digitally placed in other settings.

Breaking glass and throwing it from buildings... safety procedures were very strict.

This passageway was spooky even before the smoke and lighting.

Rain machine! It rained for real later in the night... it's nice to be able to turn it on and off when you feel like it.

Stunt double! She was incredible.