Does anybody know a Jason Happe? I found his knife.
UPDATE: Well... this is just too funny. Someone in Tennessee who was in the military with Jason Happe called Jason's dad here in West Virginia to tell him about the knife. I got a call from Jason's dad who told me that Jason's grandmother bought the knife for him in Switzerland. Jason lost the knife in Kanawha State Forest where I found it a few years ago. I stuck it in the glove box of my car and I ran across it the other day when I sold that car. I had always wondered who Jason Happe was, so I posted it on the blog. I also got a call from Jason. Since losing the knife, he has served in the Army in Iraq and now lives in Savannah, GA. Isn't the Internet cool? I'm going to give the knife to Jason's dad on Monday.
UPDATE 2: I gave the knife to Jason's dad this morning and had a nice conversation. The knife is halfway home!