I came home today to find a Bambi convention taking place in my yard. Five spotted fawn. Cuteness in bulk. I parked on the other side of the house and walked around with the camera. Normally they would just run into the woods when confronted but I wanted to see how they would react if I was between them and the woods. Well... it was pandemonium.
This guy spotted me first and got that classic "oh crap" look on his face.

Then they all realized that I was between them and the woods and they started doing that funny thing that deer do in these situations... jumping straight up in the air and generally running around like crazy.

So then these two stop just before going in the woods and just stare at me for the longest time. I can't decide if they are trying to look aggressive or what. C'mon guys, you look like friggin' Bambi, you couldn't scare a poodle. Maybe I'm wrong... maybe they are stopping to see if they are going to get a handout of some sort?

This one hangs out at wood's edge for some time staring a while longer. Then they are all gone.